About Me

Melvin Jackson is a Real Estate Agent. Mr. Jackson has been in the profession of real estate and mortgages since 1999.

With over fifteen years of experience, clients love the way he takes them calmly through, sometimes difficult transactions. Mr. Jackson is a very caring person and treats you like family.

Looking to sell, buy, refinance or rent? Call Melvin at KAM Financial and Realty at (323) 208-2428. You can also e-mail him at Melvin.Jackson@hotmail.com.

He not only has the experience but also carries the passion to serve you. Stop by our office for a quick meet and greet. Melvin would love to help you with any of your real estate needs.
Melvin Jackson

LA County

9920 Pacific Heights Blvd STE, 150
San Diego, CA 92121
Phone Number
Office Hours